Eurasian center of innovative development
Евразийский центр инновационного развития DARA


Global challenges for global science IV

International scientific conference

2024 November 3. Bursa, Turkey


Bursa Uludag University

Bursa, Turkey

The main objectives of the conference are the discussion of new scientific and practical results of using innovative technologies in science, education and production; the exchange of ideas, the search for joint research areas and the strengthening of cooperation between educational, scientific and production organizations; the establishment of new contacts and the involvement of young people in scientific research.

Conference language













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на русском языке ••• in English


Prof. Dr. Emin Atasoy / Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey

Scientific Committee

  1. Prof. Dr. Emin Atasoy / Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey
  2. Prof. Dr. Burghard Meyer / Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany
  3. Prof. Dr. Abdullah Soykan / Balıkesir University, Balıkesir, Turkey
  4. Prof. Dr. Alaattin Kızılçaoğlu / Balıkesir University, Balıkesir, Turkey
  5. Prof. Dr. David Lorant / Szent Istvan University, Gödöllő, Hungary
  6. Prof. Dr. Jan A. Wendt / Gdańsk University, Gdańsk, Poland
  7. Prof. PhD. Agnieszka Bógdał-Brzezińska / University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
  8. Ing. Dirk Van Merode MSc. / AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Antwerp, Belgium
  9. Prof. Dr. Askar Nigmatov / Gulistan State University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  10. Prof. Dr. Atanas Dermendjiev / St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
  11. Prof. Dr. Stela Dermendjieva / St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Turnovo, Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
  12. Prof. Dr. Vilian Krastev / University of Economics - Varna, Varna, Bulgaria
  13. PhD Yelaman Aibuldinov / Atyrau University, Atyrau, Kazakhstan
  14. Prof. Dr. Jilili Abuduwaili / Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Urumqi, China
  15. Prof. Dr. Vladimir Makarov / Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia
  16. Assoc. Prof. Dr Zhanbolat Tusupbekov / P.A. Stolypin Omsk State Agrarian University, Omsk, Russia
  17. Prof. Dr. Nelya Shapekova / L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
  18. PhD Ruslan Safarov / L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan
  19. Prof. Dr. Zhanat Shomanova / Pavlodar state pedagogical institute, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
  20. Assoc. Prof. PhD Erbolat Mendybaev / K. Zhubanov Aktobe regional state university, Aktobe, Kazakhstan
  21. Prof. Dr. Alexandru Ilieş / University of Oradea, Oradea, Romania
  22. Prof. Dr. İrina Koleva / Sofia University «St. Kliment Ohridski», Sofia, Bulgaria
  23. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zdravka Kostova / Sofia University «St. Kliment Ohridski», Sofia, Bulgaria
  24. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Elena Galay / Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
  25. Assoc. Prof. PhD Hussein Al-Wadhaf / Hajjah University, Hajjah, Yemen
  26. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kiss Tímea / University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary
  27. Prof. Dr. Luchiyan Milkov / University of National and World Economy, Sofia, Bulgaria
  28. Ivan Mironov / Professional School by John Atanasov, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria
  29. Prof. Dr. Endon Garmaev / Baikal Institute of Nature Management, Russian Academy of Sciences, Ulan-Ude, Russia
  30. PhD Anton Germashev / Zaporizhzhya National Technical University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
  31. Prof. Dr. Marin Rusev / Sofia University «St. Kliment Ohridski», Sofia, Bulgaria

Our partners

EL Invest

Research and Production Company

Astana, Kazakhstan

University of Oradea

Faculty of Geography, Tourism and sport

Oradea, Romania

BULLETIN of the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University

Academic Scientific Journal

Astana, Kazakhstan

University of Gdansk

Institute of Geography, Department of Regional Development, Laboratory of Spatial Analysis

Gdansk, Poland

The proposed for your attention conference is performed in digital form. Materials will be published as an electronic issue on site of publishing office ( with assignment of international code ISBN.

After the conference an electron certificate confirming participation will be sent by e-mail.

The best researches written in english of natural or technical fields will be published in scientific journal Journal of Innovations in Natural Sciences (ISSN 2706-994X) for free.

Section 1. Medical Science and Biology (biotechnology)
Section 2. Business, Management and Law (economics, law, services)
Section 3. Arts and Humanities (philology, history, philosophy)
Section 4. Social sciences (pedagogics, psycology, sociology)
Section 5. Physics and Chemistry
Section 6. Technics (math, informatics, engineering, architecture, electronics)
Section 7. Earth sciences (geography, ecology)

Key Dates

  • until 30.10.2024 (incl.) - Articles acception
  • until 30.10.2024 (incl.) - Registration fee payment
  • until 07.11.2024 (incl.) - Publication of the electronic issue
  • until 07.11.2024 (incl.) - Distribution of certificates

Requirements to publication preparation

  • Responsibility for the article content lies with the participants and their supervisors.
  • Volume of publication should be 2 to 7 pages of typewritten text.
  • The text should be typed in Microsoft Word 2007 or higher, font Times New Roman size 12, single line spacing, justified text alignment. Paragraph indentation – 1.0 cm. Spaces and tabs in the beginning of the paragraph are not allowed!

  • File of article should be saved as DOCX. Formulas should be typed in the equation editor of Word. Tables, charts, drawings should have a title and numbering. Page orientation is portrait. All page margins – 2 cm.
  • Texts are issued as follows: Section. Blank line. UDC. Blank line. The title of the article, the line below, after the interval, surname, name, patronymic of the author (co-author) completely, then on the next line the name of the organization (in full, no abbreviations), city. Further, after one blank line the text of abstract, on the next line keywords, next the text of presented article should be printed.
  • For non-english language written articles it is mandatory to include title and extended abstract in English.

If you want to participate the conference, you should fill in the registration form by link: Код конференции: GCGS4
Attention! Only registered authors will obtain certificates. Additional questions you can send us on e-mail of the organizational committee For filling in the application form you should prepare the following files:

  1. The text of article (DOCX);
  2. Article review (scan-copy);
  3. Receipt (scan-copy).

For publication, you should send full list of above-mentioned documents, otherwise, the application will be rejected. All the materials (text of article, review, application form, receipt) should be sent as a separate file. In return, you will get a letter with confirmation of receiving of your work for publication. If you did not get the response in 2 days, please contact us.

The Organizing committee reserves the right to select materials for publication.
The editorial board will examine received materials.
Materials will be published in conference proceedings by conclusion of the editorial board.

Cost of participation in extramural conference with publication of article in electronic volume of conference proceedings is 10000 KZT (for foreign participants – 2000 RUB or 20 USD) for one article.

Early-bird registration
If you pay the registration fee before 10.10.2024, the cost of publication will be 9000 KZT / 1900 RUB / 18 USD

Discounts for regular participants
For our regular authors who participated in 2 or more conferences, the cost of publication will be 9000 KZT / 1900 RUB / 18 USD

Payment account (IBAN): KZ086010012003804502
IIN: 871021450822
Kazkommertsbank JSC (branch of Astana)

For transfers in kazakh tenge (KZT):
Card number: 4400 4301 4980 6694
IIN: 871021450822

For international money transfers:
MasterCard 5483 1919 1206 5150 (IBAN KZ086010012003804502)
Money transfers: «Golden crown»
(payment through Western Union DOES NOT ACCEPTED!)
Recipient: Bexeitova Zhuldyz (Бексеитова Жулдыз Бектасовна)
Recipient's phone number: +7-705-464-3948
(when making a transfer, pay attention to the spelling, it is extremely important to indicate the recipient's full name and phone number +7-705-464-3948 without mistakes)
Destination of transfer: Astana, Kazakhstan


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